Loyola Marymount University Yoga Philosophy Certificate Program
“When there is bondage due to deliberation, the cultivation of the opposite [is prescribed].”
Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtras (2.33)
I am so honored to have been entrusted by my teacher, Dr. Christopher Chapple, to bring this program, which explores many of the major philosophical traditions of yoga, to Orange County.
Please see https://academics.lmu.edu/extension/crs/yoga/programs/yogaphil/ for more details on the program. It is possible to take the classes just for personal enrichment, or you may choose to complete the whole certificate program.
The first class was the Upaniṣads, which contains some of the earliest practices of yoga. Next, we looked at the Bhagavad Gītā, the classic Indian text dealing with such timeless topics such as karma and dharma. Then we studied the Yoga Sūtras and the Haṭha Pradīpikā, which lays forth descriptions of early asana practices as well as means of manipulating energy throughout the body and describing esoteric meditative techniques such as nāda yoga.
The Upaniṣads, for Loyola Marymount Yoga Philosophy Certificate Program (in Orange County)
Course can be taken just for fun, or to count towards the certificate (paper required).
October 2018, dates tbd
Classes held at Be the Change Yoga in Irvine
The course can be taken for personal enrichment or can be taken for credit towards the Certificate Program. $195 (10 hours). No prerequisites. Taught by Erika Burkhalter, MA Yoga Studies, MS Neuropsychology, YACEP (can be taken for continuing education credit)
Classes will be offered at Be the Change Yoga in Irvine, 3942 Portola Parkway, Irvine, CA 92602.
Class dates to be determined Cost $195
Courses are audio-recorded, so if you can’t make all the dates, you can listen in via the recording and hand-outs (which are e-mailed out weekly).
Text: The Principal Upaniṣads by S. Radhakrishnan
To register: Registration to come soon!
Upcoming classes will include:
Star Wars and Eastern Spirituality, Sāṃkhya, the Haţha Pradīpikā, and beginning Sanskrit (geared for yoga teachers and students).
Classes will be offered at Be the Change Yoga in Irvine,
3942 Portola Parkway, Irvine, CA 92602.